Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Addicted to WOW

I have a love for games, and sometimes it consumes my life. Right now the game that is consuming my life is World of Warcraft, WOW for short. There is so many things to do in this game, compared to any other game I have ever played. You can make things and trade stuff and make money for your characters. You can be in a guild and help other players out. I consider myself the expert on fishing in our Guild because I know where to get everything for fishing and I am one of the highest fishers in the guild. I have many different characters so that I can span all the different professions to help myself and others out. I really love this game.

Allow yourself to have some fun and play a game now and then.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

The Three Musketeers

This is the Three Musketeers. Mahonri Moriancumer is our newest addition to our family, we call him Morrie for short. We got him from our local animal shelter PAWS. He is quite a little pistol he keeps Taliana and Lula Belle in line. He also plays quite rough with them and us as well. He is a Chihuahua mix and our other two are Pugs.

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Christmas is Right Around The Corner

This picture represents Ryan's feelings towards Christmas. He can't WAIT till the Christmas Tree is up. He keeps asking me about the Christmas Tree and where is it and when are we gonna put it up. He is hilarious. So I'm gonna try to go all out for him this year by putting out lots of fun Christmas decorations, and make it really special. He is 5 this year and I think that was the first Christmas I remembered as a little girl. So it needs to be special this year.
First I have to get my house in order before I can do anything, which we have been working on for the past couple weeks. I really hate clutter so Im going to put away my figurines during Christmas to make more room for Christmas items to put around the house. I think I may even try to make a Christmas Wreath this year. I will try to take pictures and update the blog later with the results of my Christmas festivities in my house. Wish me luck, it should be lots of fun.

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Why Im a Slacker Blogger

I know I have been slacking on my blog lately. I addicted to http://www.braingle.com it has quizzes, and games. I originally started going to this site because of the game Food Fite (That is how its spelled) I used to play Food Fite when I lived in Oregon and missed the game so badly I went on a hunt for it and found it on Braingle. Braingle has the games: Pac-Man, Tetris, Werewolf, Who's the boss, Caption Game, Sudoku, Pirate's Booty (similar to Minesweeper) and many other games.

I have also been dealing with the dogs as well. Taliana's back is hurt, she got on the bed when Ryan was on the bed and Ryan jumped on her and messed her back up. She walks sideways alot and her back right leg she can't control very well. The vet hospital said that its probably a slipped disk or something like that, we have to go for a follow-up with our vet. When I called the vet to talk to them about it before going to the Vet Hospital, I lost it. I never dreamed that a dog would make it into my heart that much to make me cry over an injury. I love my dogs.

Friday, July 13, 2007

This is a cute picture of Mark, Ryan and Taliana. Ryan can be such a sweetie as long as he is not tired, cranky or obstinent. We have been having a blast swimming at a friends pool and at the beach. I will have to try to get some pictures of us at the beach and the pool. I wish we could take the dogs to the beach, but you can get a BIG fine for taking your dogs on the beach down here. The great thing about taking Ryan to the beach or the pool is we both enjoy the water so its alot of fun, cooling, and relaxing all at once. Another cool, fun, and relaxing place I take Ryan is McDonald's Playland, he has so much fun with the other kids and I get to enjoy the cold air conditioning. Right now our apartment is without air conditioning so its miserable, we only have a window unit in our bedroom so it doesn't take care of the whole house.

Both of My Babies

Taliana is on the Left (behind) and Lula Belle is on the Right (in front). This time they are sharing MY chair which I will have to kick them out of soon.

I Love them but I am the Queen Bee still.

They had their first fight this week over a beef hoof. They knew they were in trouble when I had to clap my hands and yell at them. Taliana wouldn't even take her hoof back unless I gave it to her that way she knew it was okay. I had given both of them their separate little chew hooves and Lula Belle decided she wanted the one Taliana was chewing on, and boy Taliana did not like that one bit. I have been working on a small fence for them in the back of the apartment so that I can watch them out back without worrying about putting a leash on them. We will see if it keeps them in.

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

My Babies 2

This is my Lula Belle, she is quite the little sweetie pie. She loves to give kisses and love to anyone that she is not afraid of, she is a little timid and shy. She loves to play and romp and frolic with Taliana. She loves to steal our chairs as you see in this picture. Of course Taliana likes to steal the chairs too. Lula Belle is the newest addition to our family, she is a year old. Her and Taliana are our little shadows, they sleep with us, they lay at our feet when we are on the computer or just watching TV, Taliana likes to be either on Marks shoulders or on my lap. Lula Belle likes to either sit behind Mark or on the floor at my feet. We got Lula Belle for me because Taliana was Mark's baby. We also got Lula Belle for Taliana so she could have a playmate and boy do they play hard. They play in the bed when you are trying to take a nap and thats no fun, but the rest of the time they just play all over the house. One day we will have a nice yard for the dogs and Ryan to play around in.